Sunday, January 27, 2008

Height check

Tommy is growing so fast these days. He'll pass me up soon, I'm sure. In the meantime, we have taken a few back-to-back pictures just to record the height changes. Here is the latest one.

Tommy's Basketball

Tommy made the Freshman basketball team at CCHS. He has had fun playing and has doen well. So far, this is the only picture we have of him playing, but there are still a few games left.

Let it Snow!

Typically, we don't get much snow in Fallon, or much that sticks anyway. We have had a few snowfalls, some light and some even bigger where the snow has stuck around for a few days. This is the most snow we can remember in Fallon, over the last 8 years. We are enjoying it!

Jump Man Jump

Adreinne set up a fun family party at a bouncy house place in Reno called Jump Man Jump. Nate and Camille, Adrienne and Matt, Dorothy with Lisa's kids, and we met there the night Dad and Mom flew in. We jumped and had pizza. It made for a fun kick-off to Mom and Dad's visit to Reno. I'm posting a few shots from the evening.

Happy New Year!

Here we are, just a few minutes into the new year. We are at the Faught's house, with numbers the kids decorated.