Thursday, July 9, 2009
Backyard Dinner
Inspired by our dinners at Girl's Camp, our famiy cooked tinfoil dinners and s'mores in the fire pit. We precooked everything when we were making our Monday night dinners, and made them up on Monday. On Tuesday we just heated them and ate them for dinner on Tuesday. They were delicious and it was great after we cooked and ate outside to come in the house Tuesday night - no mess in the kitchen!
Posted by
The Stockards
11:02 AM
Birthday Weekend
For my 40th birthday, we had a fun-filled weekend of activities. Some of these picutres were taken in Lisa's backyard where we had lunch Saturday afternoon. Some are from our fondant cake decorating activity at Adrienne's house on Saturday morning. It was a fun weekend of family and it went way too fast!
Posted by
The Stockards
10:49 AM