Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow Day!

We awoke to a great surprise on Monday morning. The snow started falling on Sunday evening (see last picture) and it kept on snowing all night. We got a call early Monday morning saying that school was cancelled. We celebrated by screaming, jumping and dancing around the house. I grew up having regular days off for weather, but this was the first time any of my kids have had the pleasure of experiencing a snow day.
We played in the snow, slept, did a little work, watched movies, sat by the fire with hot chocolate, and overall had a great day. It was actually two great days because it snowed all day Monday and we were out of school on Tuesday too. It is sure nice to go back to a three-day week!

Decorating the Tree

It is so much fun to go through the ornaments each year and decorate our tree. It looks beautiful.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Black Friday Shopping

After a great Thanksgiving meal at our house, we drove up to Adrienne's in the shopping mecca of Northern Nevada. We hit some Thursday night sales and were up bright and early Friday to wait in lines at Kohl's and Wal-mart. We were mostly going for sport, but we scored enough deals to make it worth it. This is a picture from Thursday night, while we were still enthusiastic about the upcoming adventure.

Friday, November 13, 2009

In Loving Memory

Today my dear friend Sheri Faught passed away. She had been courageously battling cancer for just over six months. Sheri and I spent so many fun times together. She was an amazing person and I am better for having known her. She was my walking buddy, my Girl's Camp tent mate, my EFY and baseball tournament travel partner. She was an example to me in so many ways and I will miss her terribly. She leaves behind a loving family - her husband and three great children, plus siblings, parents, and in-laws.

I know she is in a better place, free from the pain that had become her constant companion over the past few months. I know she will be able to have peace, rest, and happiness and that her love for those of us here does not end. I know we will see her again, but tonight I am very sad for those of us left behind.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Lauren's Birthday

Ready to celebrate with a fruit flag as part of her birthday breakfast. We spent the rest of the day at a pool party at a friend's house.

Backyard Dinner

Inspired by our dinners at Girl's Camp, our famiy cooked tinfoil dinners and s'mores in the fire pit. We precooked everything when we were making our Monday night dinners, and made them up on Monday. On Tuesday we just heated them and ate them for dinner on Tuesday. They were delicious and it was great after we cooked and ate outside to come in the house Tuesday night - no mess in the kitchen!

Fourth-Year Hike

Lauren and her some of her friends as they prepare to depart camp for their fourth-year hike. Can you see the excitement in their eyes?

Birthday Weekend

For my 40th birthday, we had a fun-filled weekend of activities. Some of these picutres were taken in Lisa's backyard where we had lunch Saturday afternoon. Some are from our fondant cake decorating activity at Adrienne's house on Saturday morning. It was a fun weekend of family and it went way too fast!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The big 4-0

I am entering a new decade tomorrow, I'll be forty! I am excited about the day because my mom, and my sisters Jenny, Amy, and Christy are flying in to celebrate with me. Adrienne, Camille, Dorothy and Lisa are all working so hard to make this a great weekend reunion. What a party - I can't wait!

The thing I'm not looking forward to is everything you hear about how your body starts to decline in your forties and beyond. Other than the physical, when I look at what my life has held for me in the past forty years, I feel like I have learned so much and hopefully I'm at a place in my life where I can deal with problems that arise and also be of help to those around me. I hope that I am making a difference in the lives of my children and family and those around me.

Actually, I'm pretty excited to be forty. I have forty years of blessings to be thankful for. I am blessed with good health and I have a loving husband, kids who I genuinely enjoy being with, two loving parents in good health, and a large extended family that I can rely on and learn from. I have a testimony of Jesus Christ and why I'm here on earth that gives me purpose in this life and hope for the eternities.

I will enjoy this weekend with my sisters and family. What a treat, I can't think of a better way to celebrate! I just hope the next forty are filled with as much love and happiness as the first forty.

In honor of my forty years of living, I have chosen a new playlist, with songs from 1969 until 2009. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Spring means...

Planting a garden! We skipped doing a garden last year, and the year before we didn't have great results, but we are both excited adn optimistic for our garden this year. Tom and the boys rototilled and got the boxes in place. Tom and I chose out a few plant starts (Adrienne, my seeds didn't do as well as yours!)for watermelon, cantaloupe, tomatoes, zuccini and pumpkins. We mixed in composted manure and planted the plants. Now, we just have to water, weed and wait!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Hooray for moms! What would we do without them? I am blessed with a loving, selfless mom who raised me in a home centered on the teachings of Jesus Christ and lots of fun and love. What an irreplacable gift that is in life! I also have an awesome mother-in-law who really has my back in the day-to-day events of raising my family.
This morning I was treated to a delicious breakfast in bed, made by my children. We all piled on the bed to watch a slide show that Lauren. She used picutres of our family from the years set to the song "Best Day" which is a daughter's tribute to her mom (listen to it on my playlist!). I got nice cards and thoughful gifts from my children and Tom is making dinner that we will enjoy with the Birds after church. It really is the best day!

I've had many family members and friends who have helped me and influenced me as a mom. Thank you for your love and examples. And Happy Mother's Day to you all.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tommy's Accident

Tommy called us this morning on his way home from seminary saying he'd been hit by a truck but that he was o.k. A semi-truck ran a stop sign and hit Tommy's car on the driver's side. I don't know how Tommy was so protected, but he was. After filling out accident reports, getting the car towed, and a visit to the ER he just wanted to go back to school and to his game tonight. He is sore and has a lump on his head, but he really is fine. We feel unbelievably blessed.

The car didn't do so well, as you can see. The side view mirror is gone and it looks like a lot of impact right at the driver's side door. It's actually hard for me to look at them right now; it makes me so very thankful that he is all right.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Current Apostle Song

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Virtue Hike

For our YW activity, as an idea from the General YW broadcast, we hiked to the top of a mountain and unfurled a gold banner for the new value Virtue. We had great warm weather, but as you can see, it was so windy! When we got to the top, we read the scriptures for Virtue value experience #2 and discussed how we can have the Holy Ghost with us. The girls promised to write it in their journals to compelte the experience. We all had dirt in our mouths and eyes, but despite the wind, it was a successful activity.

Star Gazing

Nathan, the ultimate stargazer, tipped us off about a recent meteor shower. He brought his girls out to watch one evening, and brought s'mores goodies. We enjoyed an evening of treats, great spring weather, and quiet time with family watching the sun go down and the stars come out. We laid on the lawn and saw many constellations and a few meteors too. Thanks for the fun evening Nate!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Snowy Spring break

Yes, this is our back yard on this lovely Spring break. We enjoyed warm, sunny weather for our Easter egg hunt two days ago, but it is snowy, gray and cold today! Luckily, it should be back in the 70's by the weekend!

Monday, April 13, 2009


We had a very fun Easter, and you get to see these photos in reverse order, starting with Easter eveing and going back to the morning.

Cousins on the trampoline, moms standing close by.

Our very cute cousins finding eggs in the back yard.

We were almost late to church for this photo, and Lauren was giving a talk, so it was a risk to take it, but I knew you'd be glad to see them in their new Easter clothes.

You're never too old to color Easter eggs.
Now we have like 3 dozen eggs to eat ... lots of egg salad for us!

It was a great day, but the best part about it was celebrating the resurrection
of our Savior Jesus Christ. We are so blessed!

Baseball Opening Day

All decked out in his uniform after his first game - a win!

Painting Adreinne's New House

We spent a day helping Adrienne and Matt at their new house. Painting is so much fun!The girls were excited to mark up the walls.

Grandpa flew in to help with house projects, I'm sure he was glad we saved all
the hard detail work for him!

Her house is so beautiful, you'd never believe the transformation!

New Year Eve Dance

This is way late, I know, but this is the picture of independence - first dance without a parent driving them! I was a nervous wreck all night, but they did great!

Teenage Driver!

Tommy got his driver's license in December, after much work getting the Eagle Scout project done. He is loving his freedom and it is nice for Tom to not drive to 6:00 a.m. seminary every day!